Author of Preventing Suicide
I Deserve To Live Three Things Never to Do!
Dr. Clarence E. Davis Ph.D., L.C.P.C.
A.K.A Dr. Dav
Workshop Presenter
Keynote Speaker For
Domestic Violence and Suicide

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Schedule a workshop
Workshops: These workshops are designed to address many of the common problems existing in Churches,
Organizations and Families. Emphasis is placed on Conflict Resolutions to create a Win-Win Situation.
These workshops can be scheduled for half a day or a complete day. It can be a full event or fit into an existing one.
They can be custom designed especially for men's and women's programs.

The true number of domestic violence is difficult to obtain, because cases are not reported until they get out of control. It is estimated that between 2 to 3, million people are involved in domestic violence. Usually by the time it is reported the incidents have been going on for years. Domestic violence is twofold; there are people who receive the violent acts and those that give it. Both need to seek relief. Isn't it time for help.

The substance that you are abusing is not the only problem, but the tip of the iceberg. There are underlining issues that need to be addressed. In time they will melt away and there will be no need for the substance. The warmth of a counseling session just might be the thing that causes your iceberg to melt.

Conflict Resolution in Marriage
Those who attempt to go through a crisis alone are more apt to suffer long-term adverse effects, then those who have a support system. Don't kid yourself, each person in the relationship has something in their personality that contributes to the conflicts. You cannot figure it out alone. Talk to a trained professional

Military Issues
Codependency is a learned behavior. It comes from any type of physical or mental training that causes a hostile environment. The key is twofold, learning that the trauma is over and letting me help you find ways to live in an environment of peace. Your new training will consist of confidence building, Self-Esteem and forgiveness.